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December 2020

This isn't my finest writing, nor is it a guarantee that "I'm back." It's just something I needed to work out and put somewhere. Maybe it will mean something to someone at the end of this grim year. Every Advent when I was a child my dad would lead my family through a devotional entitled “Advent Foretold.” Each night after dinner we would gather in the living room, Dad enthroned on his big blue reading chair, we kids sprawled out in various spots on the floor, mom nestling into the couch with whoever was the baby at the time. Dad would distribute photocopies of the picture accompanying that night’s lesson -- simple black and white line drawings which we kids could color in while Dad read.  Each nightly installment of “Advent Foretold” focused on one Old Testament prophecy about the Messiah and His coming. The book highlighted how statistically unlikely it was that any of those promises, much less all of them, would be fulfilled -- and yet, they were. Over centurie...

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