Getting after it
Come August, I'll have a stronger justification for staking out this corner of the world wide web. I'm leaving my current job, home, and community to take an opportunity in my beloved England. London, to be exact. Am I excited? Yes. Am I terrified? Well, yes, sometimes. But this love for England has been one of the few and one of the strongest certainties I have known over the course of my 24 years...and after a few fits and starts, the door has opened to go. So the excitement is greater than the fear I have over the many remaining question marks. God knows what is ahead of me. God knows, and He is not in a hurry - I tell myself this when my heart is overwhelmed by the need to see every step laid out.
My hope is to write more frequently and with greater focus. I'll be using this space to share my experiences with you and to try to work out what "echoes of Eden" I find in them - what fragments of God's name are stammered in all these sights, sounds, bites, sips, things, thoughts? And yes, don't worry, if I ever happen to spot a celebrity, royal or otherwise, while out and about in Londontown, you'll read about it here. :)
My hope is to write more frequently and with greater focus. I'll be using this space to share my experiences with you and to try to work out what "echoes of Eden" I find in them - what fragments of God's name are stammered in all these sights, sounds, bites, sips, things, thoughts? And yes, don't worry, if I ever happen to spot a celebrity, royal or otherwise, while out and about in Londontown, you'll read about it here. :)